DIY Sign Workshop at Myndi’s Friday Night was a Success!!!!


We had 18 ladies sign up for the sign class at Myndi‘s house Friday night. Party started at five and I would say we were close to schedule at about 5:30 everybody started weeding their stencils.  We had a few hiccups but overall the night was a success. We certainly had some talented ladies and I was very impressed with everyone's signs. Check out our pictures from the party and you too can see these ladies were definitely rock star sign painters!  They had me laughing the whole night.

Although the theme of the evening was sign making, it was much more about the bonding of co-workers and friends. These ladies are connected through their love of education and having an excuse outside of the classroom to get together is what these workshops are all about! 

I look forward to another group DIY party with these ladies again. Myndi was an awesome host and so sweet to welcome everybody into her home. Towards the end it did look like a hurricane went off in there but within minutes it look as if a party had never happened.:) 

 Thank you so much to each and everyone of you for being a part of the evening.  Happy Sign Making!!!! Kim